Monday, December 1, 2008

I hate it!

New house? yes! new house, i have moved to our new house yesterday, small from our former house but enough for 5 person like me and my friend.Why i say like that? because before this i lived with 14 person in 3 storey terrace a dorm you know?

i got the new house,erm...when can i get the new job?or new workplace?

haha...sometimes i think that i want focus to my business that's mean full time business, i'm going to, just waiting for the right time to decide about it...

i have found the right place...and stop thinking about find a new career...i fed up with this workplace, only my body is here, but my mind is out of this workplace...i dont know how long i can stay at this workplace...i can't love this place...very boring...i hate it!

my heart said quit,quit,quit....arghhhh...but my mind control my moving...and said, be need to rush...keep thinking. It's parts of our life.


siha said...

thinking thinking thinking....
then u got nothing.just do it lah bro.waiting for wat?

Anonymous said...

cepat2 la cari kerja baru yang lebih sesuai..

أكرم حسني said...

kat mane umah baru,babe?